hello? this is nero speaking ! ♡ .. demisexual. he/they. 23ic, sept 11th. virgo + infp-t. black ooc.


byf: i'm not good at responding back at dms, so i apologize if i don't apologize in a timely fashion. i also use tone indicators, and would appreciate it if you used them to.

dfi: you're ___phobic, you're racist, -14/18+, not a rp account, mdni account, you fc minors, edtwt, shtwt, ageplayer.

nero was born in a town where everyone ended up becoming either a doctor or a lawyer of some sort. both of his parents had been lawyers and wanted him to do the same. the 70s was a year of rebellion and rock music, every parents worst nightmare. nero became a product of its time, wanting to venture out and away from the boringness of being a doctor or lawyer which caused him to get kicked out of his parents house at the age of 18. on the day of his 19th birthday, he got a job working at a nearby nightclub. no one cared for him since he developed a shy personality which showed through his very few shows he could book. he wished that he could look as beautiful as the employees who pulled in crowds to see them perform. years later, nero had become a bartender since he made more money there than dancing. he was now twenty-three and even more miserable than before since he could barely afford rent. that was until one day a group of men came in and they took favor to the boy. they made him feel like he was the hottest boy in the whole club and with that is how they were able to lure him to their house, telling him that they were an upcoming band and wanted to get his opinion on their music. he was naive and craved the attention they gave him so he went along. within minutes of entering the house, he was tricked into joining them into a ritual, claiming that it was harmless and wouldn’t work. little did he know that it was one that dealt with them asking satan to help them become a successful band. the ritual had to be done by stabbing nero twenty-two times to ensure that he was dead so they could present him to satan. after waiting a couple of minutes, the boys left after coming to the conclusion that it didn’t work. hours later nero woke up both hungry and confused. his body had repaired itself and he didn’t look like the shy boy from before but a hotter more confident version of himself, they had turned him into a succubus.